PlasticsFatE’s Scientific Coordinator, Rudolf Reuther, has been praised for his highly informative input to the recently held MAELSTROM One Ocean, One Health webinar.
Rudolf’s talk ‘PlasticsFatE: Lessons from microplastics research for standardisation, policy and regulation’ clearly demonstrated that the starting point in research must be the establishing of relevant micro and nanoplastic (MNP) test materials with various properties to validate methods for characterisation, exposure, and hazard assessment.
He explained how PlasticsFatE is conducting a critical review on the occurrence of MNPs in humans; and analysing the exposure concentrations of MNPs analysed in real world samples. Rudolf also described the three models being developed by PlasticsFatE for fate, exposure and toxicokinetics.
In a whistle-stop tour of PlasticsFatE’s assessments, Rudolf described the different materials being tested, the various types of test assays being conducted, and the effects being measured, such as immune effects, barrier integrity and cytotoxicity.
Rudolf concluded with an overview of the project’s preliminary results, adding that we still need to look into long-term exposure effects, real-world plastics, leaching of additives and contaminants and realistic exposure concentrations, among other areas, and emphasised the significance of our research and findings for EU policy.
Rudolf was also joined by Polyrisk Coordinator, Raymond Pieters, whose talk: ‘Polyrisk Research Project: Towards a Risk Assessment Framework for Micro- and Nanoplastics’, demonstrated another significant approach from the CUSP Cluster.
The event attracted 197 registrants from 49 countries: from Angola to South Korea to Trinidad and Tobago, comprising scientists, researchers, high-level diplomats, and public bodies as well as the wider public.
The webinar has also been posted in the MAELSTROM Online Forum here where you can share thoughts and questions.
PlasticsFatE welcomed this invitation from MAELSTROM to take part in this hugely successful collaborative event and looks forward to future engagement with this great project team